Sarajevo-International Delta

Founded Tuesday, July 29, 2003
Club 63055 - District 1910 - Charter number

Gründungsdatum: 29.07.2003
Charterdatum: 02.10.2003

The Rotary Club Sarajevo International Delta (RCSID) was formed in 2003, as the second Rotary club in Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). The founding members included a variety of men and women from BiH and elsewhere, as individuals from a large number of countries had come to BiH in the years after the war to work on various aspects of the country's political, economic, social, diplomatic and humanitarian environment. There was a strong interest among the founding members in bringing the values of Rotary International to even more people in Sarajevo.

Due to the international background of many of the Club's members, current and past RCSID members hail from Austria, Croatia, Germany, France, Hungary, Italy, Moldova, the US and beyond. This international flavor provides a good opportunity for members and past members to influence Rotary in other cities, and to serve as ambassadors of both Rotary and Sarajevo. The strength and experience of RCSID's members from BiH provides an additional level of diversity and life experience that makes the Club even more unique.

Over the years the Club has supported a number of causes, with a special emphasis on providing support and assistance to individuals with intellectual disabilities. RCSID played a primary driving role in raising funds and leading the project planning needed to build a day center for adults with intellectual disabilities in Sarajevo (Sumero). In addition the Club has worked with school children with special needs to teach them basic photography skills and has participated in the annual Diplomatic Winter Bazaar to raise funds for a variety of causes.

RCSID invites guest speakers to Club meetings to enhance networking opportunities, build bridges throughout the Sarajevo community and spread the Rotary message of "service above self." The Club participates in District 1910 capacity building seminars, cooperates with Rotary Club Sarajevo, and is striving to strengthen inter-club cooperation throughout BiH.

The official language of the Club is English, though the international flavor of the club is easy to hear in conversations in the local language, German, French and other languages.


Active members 25
- Men 17
- Ladies 8
Paul Harris Fellow 0
Club guests 3
Honorary members 1
Other contacts 0


RC Sarajevo-International Delta

Hotel Marriott Courtyard
71000 Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzegovina