Monday, November 1, 2010


Between November 2010 and May 2016, RCSID supported the construction of the SUMERO CENTER for support to persons with disabilities. The project was originated by SUMERO, the principal NGO in BiH serving persons with mental disabilities.

Sumero's mission is to strengthen and link organizations to help people with intellectual disabilities, so that all persons with such disabilities have equal opportunities to realize their potential in all spheres of life. It works to improve legislation that recognizes the rights of persons with mental disabilities through lobbying, public advocacy campaigns, and coordination with similar foreign organizations. Its focus is the full adoption of the European Union Standard Rules on Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Ultimately, Sumero's vision is that all people in BiH with intellectual disabilities are equal members of society, and have equal access to health care, mobility, education, employment, and economic security -that they are fully integrated into all aspects of society. 

The main projects that Sumero has carried out in recent years in pursuit of its mission are:
•    Deinstitutionalization and prevention of institutionalization
•    Community Based Living
•    Person-Centred Planning (PCP)
•    Self-advocacy
•    Employment with support
•    Social club and Self-advocacy club
•    Personal assistance
•    Education, Supported Independent Living Model and Community Inclusion 

The Center is a multifunctional facility aimed at improving the quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities. The Center provides rehabilitative, psychosocial, educational, and other professional support services to people with disabilities. The Center serves as one-stop counseling site where parents and caregivers are able to obtain all necessary information regarding services available to their loved ones.

The Center provides approximately 500 m2 for programs and is built on a 1500 m2 parcel. It consists of three interconnected buildings with two large activity rooms, offices / consultation rooms, apartments and a cafeteria. From the Center, Sumero coordinates support programs with NGOs and volunteers in its network in the Sarajevo region and across Bosnia & Herzegovina.

RCSID, its members and its partner club in Austria contributed € 47.800,00 for the construction of the Center. In addition, the club sponsored fundraising activities to attract additional funds from private business.