Friday, January 1, 2016


Rotary Club Sarajevo International Delta (RCSID) has been a key supporter of the Bosnia and Herzegovina Special Winter Olympics Team 2017, held in Austria from March 14-25.

RCSID worked to bring together all of the Rotary Clubs in BiH, Rotoract and Interact, to raise interest in the Olympics initiative and raise funds and in-kind support for the team. Fundraising by all of the Clubs - as well as Rotary District 1910 (Austria) provided a substantial amount of donations, and raised awareness among donors of both the Special Winter Olympics and Rotary. RCSID lobbying with the Austrian Ministry of Defense secured transportation for the Team to Austria and back to BiH - a significant financial and logistical contribution.
More than 6000 Euro was raised to purchase the needed cross country ski equipment (ski poles, boots, suits, etc.) for the cross country competition, which has 10 competing athletes and 3 trainers.  The BiH Team includes 16 athletes, 5 trainers and 2 officials.
RCSID and the entire BiH Rotary family are looking forward to share the joy and happiness over the numerous medals that the young athletes will bring back home after the games are over.