Wednesday, February 1, 2017


Aimed at raising the level of general and specialized scientific knowledge and satisfying the curiosity of its audience, RC Sarajevo International Delta established an annual public lecture "Forum Rotaricum Sarajevo" (FRS). Taking into consideration the fact that lectures by invited speakers from abroad are only sporadically organized by the local universities, FRS will represent the first regular public lecture. For each lecture, the FRS committee selects a theme. A speaker (i.e. recognized leaders and experts in their respective fields) is then invited, including influential figures in the world of science and art, current or former political leaders, artists who are engaged in awareness-raising or operational activities, writers and other international prominent figures. Conceptualized in such a manner, FRS serves as unique platform for acquiring insight into contemporary thought and creativity.  This annual activity also strives to encourage the responsibility of society to systematically work on spreading knowledge and cultivating the attributes of its own cultural identity as well as the identity of other nations. While fostering a vibrant public debate on complex challenges and on how to make the world a better place to live, FRS will also serve as "fundraising activity" enabling RC Sarajevo International Delta a sustainable means to successfully continue work within the local community. FRS partners are relevant institutions and a limited number of sponsors (media, private companies, foundations, etc.) who have expressed their willingness to support this initiative through in-kind contribution or funds, and whose name are associated with the event.